USA Demographic Profile

Total Population:  307,212,123, ranked # 3 behind China (over 1,338 billion) and India (over 1,156 billion).
Total Land and Water Area: 9,826,675 sq km, ranked #3 behind Russia (over 17,098 sq km) and Canada (over 9,984 sq km).

Age Profile:

  • 20% under 15
  • 41% ages 15-44
  • 26% ages 45-64
  • 13% age   65+

Median age is 36.7, Average life expectancy is 78 years, ranked #50 in world

49.2% Male
50.8% Female

Highest Level of Education for Persons ages 25 and over:
86.6% have completed High School or higher
29.4% have received a Bachelor’s or higher degree

Per Capita Gross National Income (at current prices in US Dollars):
$45,835, ranked #24

Gross Domestic Product Contribution by Economic Sector and Top Industries:
79.6% Services
19.2% Industry
1.2% Agriculture
Industries are highly diversified and technologically advanced; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining.

1)  Population Estimates – U.S. Census Bureau, International Data Base, Midyear Population 2009, by Age and Sex, Estimates and Projections from Census 2000; Country Rankings; Life Expectancy – The World Factbook 2009.
2)  Area rankings – The World Factbook, 2009.
3)  Education – U.S.  Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2008.
4)  Per Capita GNI (aggregate value of the balances of gross primary incomes for all sectors divided by population) – United Nations Statistics Division – National Accounts, 2008.
5)  GDP Contribution; industries are rank ordered starting with the largest by value of annual output – The World Factbook, 2009.