Denmark Demographic Profile

Total Population: 5,500,510  (July 2009 est.), ranked #109 behind Nicaragua (5,891,199) and Eritrea (5,647,168).
Total Land and Water Area:
43,094 sq km, ranked #133 behind Dominican Republic  (48,670 sq km) and Estonia (45,228 sq km).

Age Profile:

  • 0-14 years: 18.1%
  • 15-64 years: 65.8%
  • 65 years and over: 16.1%

Median age is 40.5, Average life expectancy is 78.3 years  years, ranked #45 in world

49% Male
51% Female

Ethnic groups: Scandinavian, Inuit, Faroese, German, Turkish, Iranian, Somali

Religions: Evangelical Lutheran 95%, other Christian (includes Protestant and Roman Catholic) 3%, Muslim 2%

Languages: Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic (an Inuit dialect), German (small minority)

School life expectancy (primary to tertiary education): 17 years

Literacy (defined as age 15 and over can read and write): 99% of the total population

Per Capita Gross National Income (at current prices in US Dollars):
$36,200, ranked #30

Gross Domestic Product Contribution by Economic Sector and Top Industries:
77.3% Services
20.2% Industry
2.5% Agriculture (2005 est.)
Industries: iron, steel, nonferrous metals, chemicals, food processing, machinery and transportation equipment, textiles and clothing, electronics, construction, furniture and other wood products, shipbuilding and refurbishment, windmills, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment

1)  Central Intelligence Agency World Fact Book